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Happy Mabon!

Happy Mabon!

Hello and Happy Autumn/Mabon.......... 2020; what do we say to this year?  There has been so much happening and our world has changed so much there are hardly words to describe all of this.  Our "normal" has pivoted beyond words, and let us not forget social distancing.  My only take away to all of this has been something that I have held true in my heart this whole time; take one day at a time and do not let uncertainly control you.  I wake up each day only to deal with that day and do not panic much anymore.  Perhaps...

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Happy Springtime!

Happy Springtime!

Happy Spring to everyone!  Im revamping the shoppe and hope to have some new products out next month.  Please check back mid April to find the items that you have been waiting for.

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Another Nor'easter!!

Another Nor'easter!!

Another Nor'easter!!  Wow!

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Let's Get Ready For Spring!!

Let's Get Ready For Spring!!

Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by the Apothecary.  Hope the holidays and new year have treated you well. I'm thinking far ahead for the next 6 weeks until Spring graces her presence.  If you are familiar with my Etsy shoppe then you will notice many of Dewberry's items have made their way here AND I have a bunch of new items that will be exclusive to my shopify platform.  I look forward to launching these items once Spring has arrived. I hope you stop by for a visit!  Remember that you can always check out my products on Facebook...

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Hello and Happy Autumn to all!  It took a long time to finally open the second shoppe and I couldn't be more thrilled! After being on Etsy for 6 years, I  have decided to branch out into new horizons...  A third of the Etsy shoppe is offered here with more items being added in the upcoming months.  Please visit often and see what's new and exciting.  Etsy's inventory will fade out as this store will now be the primary retail space for my handmade goods.  This platform will allow the shoppe to expand into other categories and collections not offered...

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