CAT EYE Tumbled Crystal Gemstone. Meditation, Grid Work, Ward Off Evil, Stone Of Determination
★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ ~ "Reflecting Your Inner Possibilities"™ With A Syncretism Of Pagan Herbcraefting ★★
Cat's Eye is used to clear obstacles, hindrances and wards off evil effects of witch crafts. It can be profitably worn by politicians, who aspire for higher positions and authority. It is highly recommended for those, who do not have well placed Ketu in their natal charts. The malefic effect of Ketu is to cause loss of reputation and to increase jealousies and rivalries as a result of the natives popularity. Proper use of this stone will ease matters considerably and safeguard them from scandals, loss of reputation.
Cat’s eye stone also gives the powers of strong determination to do things and is highly recommended for those having birth numbers 2 & 7, or those, who are governed by the planet moon.
Cat’s eye stone though inexpensive, except chrysoberyl cat’s eye, has been tested and tried and is capable of relieving the tensions of the wearer, particularly for the fear of the impending hardships. It is good for those suffering from allergies or skin disorders. It can also be worn by those, whose sun is debilitated in their natal charts of for natives of birth numbers 1 & 8.
Cat’s eye stone works well if Kethu (dragon’s tail) be placed in 6, 8 or 12th from Venus in the natal chart. It gives comforts. If ketu (dragon’s tail) is in Lagna, use of this stone will prove to be beneficial. The stone acts as a guardian of the wealth of the wearer. It protects the wearer from all kinds of misfortunes. This stone if it is of a good quality, can take the person to top. It can cure ailments such as heart trouble, hemorrhage and increases knowledge, longevity and strength and cures otherwise chronic and incurable diseases.
Listing is for ~ *one* tumbled Cat's Eye Gemstone Crystal approx. 3/4"-1" and range from the palest of grey to charcoal ~ Exquisite piece ~ Comes Beautifully Packaged ~
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★★★★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ is Located in Olde New England Colony Of Massachusetts, USA. © All Rights Reserved. ★★★★★