PENTACLE OF PROTECTION Potent Cauldron Incense Mix. Walk The Witches Path Of Protection
★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ ~ "Reflecting Your Inner Possibilities"™ With A Syncretism Of Pagan Herbcraefting ★★
★ ... In Protection I walk ★
Walk the Witches path and harness the Sacred Power of Protection using this PENTACLE Incense Mix. Block yourself from the ones that mean to cause you harm, anguish or deplete your magickal energy.
The Pentacle or Pentagram has religious symbolism and is commonly explained by reference to the neo-Pythagorean understanding that the five vertices of the pentagram represent the four elements with the addition of Spirit as the uppermost point. As a representation of the elements, the pentagram is involved in the Wiccan/Witchcraft practice of summoning the elemental spirits of the four directions at the beginning of a ritual.
Handcrafted with focus magickal intent and 13 Organic herbal enhancements; 2 per element, 2 for the Moon Goddess plus Witches Black Salt for purification; Earth - Fumitory, Mugwort, Air - Broom Flowers, Star Anise, Fire - Penny Royal, Frankincense, Water - Knot weed, Blackberry, Spirit - Dagda Flowers, one whole Larkspur flower, Moon - Whole Poppy Flowers, Wild Lettuce.
Listing is for ~ 1.25oz wax corked bottle and beautiful label ~ Comes Beautifully Packaged In a Velvet Pouch ~
Pure powders, resins and gums in granular form are traditional western incenses and must be roasted on a hot coal or metal surface so the small pieces can burn slowly and properly releasing quantities of rich, fragrant smoke.
★ Natural incense (Granular, Resin, Herb or Powdered) is made to be burn on a hot charcoal representing the "Air" element in Spiritual Practice. Just place a small amount on top of the charcoal. The resins or herbs will begin to burn and release their essential oils and natural essences through the smoke. Incense has two major functions: First, it is believed to create a magical atmosphere that is appropriate for the invocation (or inviting) of Deities and Spirits often present around the Pagan/Occult altar. Second, burning the incense is believed to release the large amount of energy stored within natural incense so that it can be used for magical purposes. Smoke is used as an offering to the Spirits by carrying our prayers, energy and petitions to the "Powers That Be". ★
★ Never leave burning Incense unattended and keep away from children and PETS! Charcoal should be placed in a nonflammable and heat resistant container or dish (Soapstone, Ceramic or Clay is best), that readily disperses heat and is filled with Earth or Sand. Keep away from anything flammable; Curtains, Rugs, Bedding, Books, Paper, Decorations, etc. Keep away from drafts, vents, ceiling fans, and ALL air currents. ★
★ Dewberry's cannot be responsible for MISUSE or guarantee any outcome of its product(s) or any Ritual(s). It is strictly for Home/Ritual/Curio/Entertainment purposes ONLY. Some items contain materials and ingredients that could be potentially hazardous to you; made in the “Olde Ways Tradition” of Witchcraft itself. If you choose to buy these items, Dewberry's cannot take any responsibility, nor shall not be held responsible for any injuries, misuse, damages, or losses resulting from the use of products. Items within are AGE INTENDED; created to aid YOU (Purchaser) in your Personal/Spiritual Path and are sold “AS IS” or “AS AVAILABLE”. Dewberry’s Herbal Apothecary, LLC WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THE USE OF ANY Product(s) or Service(s), made available to YOU the consumer. Your purchase(s) from this shoppe signifies and is the acceptance of these terms; is at YOUR sole risk and all Liability is released here within. ★
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★★★★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ is Located in Olde New England Colony Of Massachusetts, USA. © All Rights Reserved. ★★★★★