POWER TRIANGLE Talisman. Amp Up Your Personal Power, Develop Strength, Focus
★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ ~ "Reflecting Your Inner Possibilities"™ With A Syncretism Of Pagan Herbcraefting ★★
Use the image of the power triangle to help focus your strength, and develop and grow within your personal power. Pyramid or Triangle magick dates back to the Egyptians.
Comes Beautifully Packaged w/blk cord ~
Silver chains are also available in the shpppe.
★ As with ALL Jewelry pieces, (Sterling Silver, Silver, Gold-toned, Real Gold, Stainless Steel, Rhodium, Nickel, Costume, Metals, etc.) there is always the case where skin tarnishing or allergic reaction can occur. To minimize this effect, ALL Jewelry should be worn on clean, dry skin, free from lotions, oils, perfumes and/or skin cream/treatments. If skin tarnishing or allergic reaction does occur, please discontinue at once. ★
★ At Dewberry's, each item is prudently selected from one-of-a-kind Jewelry pieces, marked by a painstaking effort to Craft in Ritualistic Fashion; giving purpose to Universal Planetary phases and Natural Spiritual Union. All of the pieces selected have gone through rigorous inspection; with careful detailing, ensuring the finest quality possible. All Jewelry has Ritual, Fashionable or Spiritual Relevance with notable quality. Many other Crafters and Shoppes buy "standard or less quality" pieces (because its most economical) "off the shelf" and in bulk from common suppliers that DO NOT give the customer a unique and individual experience. All OCCULT/NEW AGE Jewelry has a representation of a "INDIVIDUAL of Substance" and uncommon individuation. At Dewberry's we craft using only the finest natural stones and metals available and are careful to preserve all aspects of the stones properties. Each stone/gem/crystal carries with it a special purpose designed to guide & protects the wearer. If a piece does not meet the Integrity I set forth, then it will not be offered to you. This is the PERSONAL pledge and total commitment of a vital and exuberant artist, to which I offer YOU, my customers.★
★ Dewberry's cannot be responsible for MISUSE or guarantee any outcome of its product(s) or any Ritual(s). It is strictly for Entertainment purposes. Some items contain flammable, poisonous, or toxic ingredients. If you choose to buy these items, Dewberry's cannot take any responsibility, or shall not be held responsible for any injuries, misuse, damages, or losses resulting from the use of products. Items within are created to aid YOU in your Spiritual Path and are sold “AS IS” or “AS AVAILABLE”. Dewberry’s Herbal Apothecary, LLC WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THE USE OF ANY Product(s) or Service(s) made available to YOU the consumer. Your purchase(s) from this shoppe signifies and is the acceptance of these terms; is at YOUR sole risk and all Liability is released here within. ★
© Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary ™ is an LLC (Limited Liability Company), Trademarked and Copy written. All Images, Graphics, Design(s) & Concepts, Wording, Slogan(s), Product Name(s),Product Lines, Trade Dress, Trade Name(s),Trademark(s), Created Product(s), Artwork, Intellectual & Digital Property, (Unless Otherwise Noted), Distribution & Subsidiaries are not to be reproduced in part or in whole, manipulated or copied in anyway. Any item or content within the Shoppe may not be used in connection with any other product(s) or service(s) that isn’t Dewberry’s. It is a violation of Laws and is strictly forbidden. ALL CONTENTS belong to the Company (Dewberry’s) and its Owner. ALL INFRINGEMENT IS PROSECUTABLE TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY APPLICABLE LAW and in accordance with general U.S. Intellectual Property Laws and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. All Rights Reserved. © 2017
★★★★★ Dewberry's Herbal Apothecary, LLC™ is Located in Olde New England Colony Of Massachusetts, USA. © All Rights Reserved. ★★★★★